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Center for International Relations

Erasmus+ studies


First of all you have to choose partner university and fill in questionnaire delivered by your Faculty Coordinator. Each candidate has to deliver grade point average confirmed by the Dean’s office and language certificate (at least B2 level) to the Faculty Coordinator. Faculty Coordinator analyzes your application and creates ranking list of qualified students.

If you are accepted by Faculty Coordinator
regarding your nomination for study abroad under Erasmus+ programme you have to fill in the documents, such as:

- Student Application Form 
- Learning Agreement (part: “Before the mobility”)
- and all the documents required by the partner university.

Than you have to upload the file (Application Form and Learning Agreement) to our system IRC, before the deadline.

Our application deadlines:

31 March 2024 – if you apply for fall semester or whole academic year
4-13 May 2024 – if you apply for summer semester

Please check carefully the website of partner university and fill in all documents they may require. Please send the hard copy of Application Form and Learning Agreement signed by you and your Faculty Coordinator to the address of International Relations Office at the partner university (at latest one week before the deadline set by the partner university).

Please notice that to sign the financial contract you should submit the following documents to the International Relations Office:

1. Letter of Acceptance (can be a printed scan or just an e-mail)
2. Dean’s permission
3. Statement with your bank account number (Polish bank, in euro currency)
4. Academic calendar of partner university (if there are no dates of beginning and end of the semester/academic year listed in the acceptance letter)

After signing financial contract between you and our university you will receive scholarship. We can issue financial contract for students in August/September for fall semester/whole academic year and January/February for summer semester, at earliest. Please notice that you have to sign financial contract 2 weeks before your mobility starts at latest.

Each student has to fill in online language test before the mobility starts.

During mobility, you can modify your study plan filling the “Section to be completed DURING THE MOBILTY - changes” of the Learning Agreement.

After mobility the following documents need to be submitted in English to the International Relations Office at WUST:
1. Learning Agreement (signed and stamped by a home university faculty coordinator and partner university) should be prepared separately for the winter and summer semester.
All parts: „Section to be completed BEFORE THE MOBILITY, during mobility – changes (just if you changed any courses) and After Mobilty – Transcript of Records and results recognition”.
2. Transcript of Records (the list of courses taken both with grades and ECTS gained, issued and signed by partner university).
3. Confirmation Letter which confirms your stay at the partner university.
4. Erasmus+ survey (completed online in the Mobility Tool program, you will receive the link to your e-mail address)
5. Online Language Assesment (before and after mobility)

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