Centrum Relacji Międzynarodowych

Studia w Indonezji

Na mocy umów bilateralnych dotyczącej wymiany studenckiej zawartej pomiędzy Politechniką Wrocławską a uczelnimi w Indonezji istnieje możliwość wymiany studentów do poniższych uczelni:

  • Binus University

Zapraszamy do zapoznanie się z ofertą na wyjazd do uczelni:

Please access  for further reference about exchange programme.


Deadlines to apply:

Even Semester 2022/2023 (Spring 2023)

Nomination (extended)
15 November 2022 Application Submission : 15 November 2022
Odd Semester 2023/2024 (Fall 2023) Nomination (extended) : 30 May 2023
Application Submission
15 June 2023

List of required documents to be uploaded:
1. Letter of Enrolment from Home Institution
2. Letter of Academic Recommendation
3. Copy of Official Academic Transcript
4. Copy of English Language Proficiency Test Result/Statement Letter (the result should be obtained in the last two years).
5. Color Copy of Passport (must be valid at least 2 years from the application date and color copy).
6. Applicants’ Declaration*
7. Statement of Purposes
8. Statement of Non-Political Involvement and Non-Working*
9. Statement of Financial *
10. Statement of Health* from a Doctor in English (statement from a doctor stating the student is in good health and must be written in English. Basic Medical Report in English will also suffice).
11. Full-doses of Vaccination Certificate
12. Recent Color Photograph
13. Letter of Domicile Reference*
14. Health Insurance
*template provided

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