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Center for International Relations

Holidays and days off

There are no classes during Christmas – they resume after New Year's Day. There is a short one-week break between the winter and summer semester. The summer holidays last 3 months. The following public holidays are celebrated in Poland annually. On these days banks, offices and most shops are closed.

1 November - All Saints Day
(Wszystkich Świętych)

11 November - Independence Day
(Święto Niepodległości)

25 December - Christmas Day
(Święto Bożego Narodzenia)

26 December - Boxing Day
(Drugi Dzień Świąt Bożego Narodzenia)

1 January - New Year's Day
(Nowy Rok)

Easter Eve - moveable feast

Easter Monday - moveable feast
(Lany Poniedziałek)

1 May - Labour Day
(Święto Pracy)

3 May - The Constitution Day
(Święto Konstytucji)

Corpus Christi - moveable feast
(Boże Ciało)

15 August - Assuption Day
(Święto Najświętszej Maryi Panny)

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