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IMPORTANT: Required documents - step 1:
a) application form signed by the candidate
b) certificate from the Dean's Office on a weighted average of all grades obtained during your studies
c) EUROPASS CV in English (or in another foreign language)
d) confirmation of foreign language proficiency:
I. a copy of the language certificate with the original for inspection (the list of recognized certificates is available on the website of the Foreign Languages Department)
II. A printout from the electronic index with the grade for a foreign language exam at a minimum B2E or B2.2 level (B2+/C1+ language level will not be accepted)
1. Each student may go for exchange more than once; see section 3.
2. The minimum duration of the traineeship is 2 months.
3. Each student is entitled to mobility capital of not more than 12 months in total on each cycle of studies.
4. The mobility capital includes previous participation in LLP-Erasmus, Erasmus+ (KA103/KA131 and KA107/KA171) and Erasmus Mundus.
5. The length of the mobility is calculated with an accuracy of 1 day, based on the traineeship certificate.
6. Erasmus+ Traineeship Programme is available only for WUST students who meet the following formal criteria:
a) are registered in full-time/part-time studies leading to a degree/diploma (Bachelor’s, Master's or PhD degree) at WUST, including WUST’s branch faculties. The offer does not apply to one-year postgraduate certificate studies.
b) have completed at least the 1st year of undergraduate studies before the start of their mobility. During summer break (from July 1st) first-year undergraduate students are allowed to go for an traineeship, but Dean's approval is required. Students of lower years of studies may be admitted providing that they are graduates of another field of study at WUST.
c) during the entire period of mobility, they must be registered as students of 1st, 2nd or PhD studies, and have active student’s status. Moreover, they cannot take the diploma examination before the end of the mobility.
d) during the mobility, a student cannot be on any leave (dean's leave, health leave, professional leave or maternity leave); it concerns the field of study from which student is going for mobility.
e) during the traineeship recruitment and mobility, students may not be subject to a disciplinary penalty, nor may there be any disciplinary proceedings against them.
f) students applying for traineeship may be the citizens of any country in the world. Their entitlement for mobility is determined by the fact that they belong to WUST’s academic community
7. Students applying for a recent graduate traineeship must approach the recruitment process as students, before Bachelor/Master/Phd defense. The application is valid for 12 months from the date of defense and can be used to organize multiple trips within the Erasmus+ mobility capital.
8. Students/recent graduates qualified for the mobility are required to familiarize themselves with the rules and regulations on entering the territory of the host country in connection with the planned stay as Erasmus + scholarship holders.
9. International Relations Office (IRO) is responsible for recruiting for students/recent graduates for traineeships under the Erasmus+ Programme. The recruitment committee consists of: Erasmus+ Institutional Coordinator and IRO’s officer.
11. The following criteria are taken into account:
a) good academic results
b) knowledge of a foreign language.
12. IMPORTANT: students who in previous years passed the exam during the Erasmus+ recruitment process are exempt from the language exam, if they report it when submitting the recruitment documents.
13. Recruitment documents may be submitted personally, sent by e-mail to or by traditional post to: International Relations Office, 12 Na Grobli St., L-3, room 1.20, 50-421 Wrocław.
14. The vacancies are subject to the ongoing recruitment process. Applications will be considered on an ongoing basis and grants will be awarded until funds are exhausted. The maximum number of students qualified for the Programme depends on the amount of funding granted to WUST in a given year by the National Agency of the Erasmus+ Programme.
15. All qualified applicants will be added to the list of outgoing students. If there are no places left, a standby list will be created. Applicants from this list will be kept informed about further possibilities.
16. Completing the recruitment process doesn’t guarantee going on mobility. The final condition for participation in the Programme is the student’s acceptance by the host institution.
17. Before signing the grant agreement, each candidate for the Erasmus+ scholarship must submit a written declaration of past participation in LLP-Erasmus (studies or traineeship), Erasmus+ (KA103/KA131 and KA107/KA171) or Erasmus Mundus, regardless of whether they have received the scholarship or the scholarship was paid by WUST or another university.
18. Students who are eligible to receive a different type of scholarship (academic performance award, need-based bursary) retain the right to receive it.
19. Students eligible for a social scholarship at Wrocław University of Science and Technology at the time of recruitment, on the basis of a certificate from the Welfare Department, will be entitled to receive additional funding in the amount of EUR 250 for each month of internship, in accordance with the funding rules adopted for the academic year 2023/24.
20. Students with a disability certificate may apply for additional financial support from the National Agency of the Erasmus+ Program. The granted amount of co-financing will be settled as actual costs, i.e. costs requiring documentation in the form of financial documents (invoices, bills, etc.). More information on the IRO's website. Students with disabilities are entitled to receive additional funding in the amount of EUR 250 for each month of traineeship.
1. Before completing the documents required before mobility, the Erasmus+ treineeship application documents should be submitted to the International Relations Office (check 1st section: Traineeship recruitment procedure).
2. To be qualified for the Erasmus+ traineeship, students must meet all the following formal criteria:
• be registered in full-time/part-time studies leading to a degree/diploma (Bachelor’s, Master's or PhD degree) at WrocławTech, including WrocławTech’s branch faculties. The offer does not apply to one-year postgraduate certificate studies
• have completed at least the 1st year of undergraduate studies before the start of their mobility. During summer break (from July 1st) first-year undergraduate students are allowed to go for an traineeship, but Dean's approval is required. Students of lower years of studies may be admitted providing that they are graduates of another field of study at WrocławTech
• during the mobility, student cannot be on any leave (dean's leave, health leave, professional leave or maternity leave); it concerns the field of study from which the student is going for mobility
• students may not participate at the same time in several programmes financed from European funds, or have outstanding obligations in relation to other educational programmes implemented at WrocławTech.
3. A student's stay at the Erasmus+ traineeship at the host institution must: start and finish in the period between March 1, 2024 and July 31, 2025 and last from 2 to 12 months.
4. The monthly scholarship rates depend on the target country:
820 EUR for mobilities to countries from group I: Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Iceland, Lichtenstein, Luxembourg, Norway, Sweden.
820 EUR for mobilities to countries from group II: Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, France, Greece, Spain, the Netherlands, Malta, Germany, Portugal, Italy,
750 EUR for mobilities to countries from group III: Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Estonia, North Macedonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey, Hungary.
5. Students eligible for a social scholarship at Wrocław University of Science and Technology at the time of recruitment, on the basis of a certificate from the Welfare Department, will be entitled to receive additional funding in the amount of EUR 250 for each month of traineeship, in accordance with the funding rules adopted for the academic year 2023/2024.
6. Students with a disability certificate may apply for additional financial support from the National Agency of the Erasmus+ Program. The granted amount of co-financing will be settled as actual costs, i.e. costs requiring documentation in the form of financial documents (invoices, bills, etc.). More information on the IRO's website.
Moreover, students with disability will be entitled to receive additional funding in the amount of EUR 250 for each month of traineeship.
7. "Green Travel": Students are entitled to receive funding if they meet the requirements of "green travel", ie using low-emission means of transport such as: coach, train, car sharing or bicycle. In this case, you can receive a one-time support of EUR 50 in addition to individual support and additional individual support of up to 4 days for a return trip.
I. Students applying for the above-mentioned a lump sum must be submitted to IRO with a declaration (template available below) about the planned route of the trip, indicating the means of transport.
II. The lump sum will be paid together with the rest of the Erasmus+ grant, based on the previously submitted declaration.
III. The declared method of journey is confirmed after returning as follows:
8. WrocławTech guarantees the grant for the period of 6 months of the student's stay on the Erasmus+ traineeship at the host institution, calculated with accuracy to 1 day, indicated in the Erasmus+ traineeship agreement. Payment of the scholarship for a possible extension of stay agreed between the parties is not guaranteed.
9. A student going for the Erasmus+ traineeship receives a grant that co-finances the costs of living, travel and insurance, which the student organizes on their own and finances from the received grant. Invoices and bills documenting the costs incurred are not required.
10. In case WrocławTech has unused funds for student scholarships, in particular, if the University receives additional funds from the National Agency of the Erasmus+ Programme, the Erasmus+ Institutional Coordinator may decide to extend the duration of student's Erasmus+ traineeship.
11. Each student is entitled to the mobility capital of not more than 12 months in total on each cycle of studies.
12. The grant is awarded in order to undergo a traineeship related to the student's education. Such traineeship may be compulsory or not. If the traineeship is not an integral part of studies at the home university, the fact of its implementation will be recorded in the supplement to the diploma.
13. Erasmus+ traineeship cannot be realized in:
• EU institutions,
• managing authorities of EU programmes,
• diplomatic missions in the student's home country.
14. Recommended language preparation - OLS (Online Linguistic Support)
15. Before mobility, a student is obliged to complete all the required formalities, at least 4 weeks before the planned start of the Erasmus+ traineeship. The following documents are required:
• Letter of intent
Erasmus+ traineeship grant is reserved for the students based on this document. The letter of intent must contain the signature of the legal representative of the host institution (e.g. chairman, director, HR director) and the institution's stamp. In the absence of a seal, the letter should be printed on the organization’s letterhead.
• Questionnaire
This document contains the basic contact information of the host institution and the tutor in the host institution as well as specifies the details of the planned Erasmus + traineeship.
• Financial agreements
The host institution may grant financial or material support to the trainee, which will be included in the Erasmus+ traineeship agreement. Information about additional funding may be included in the questionnaire
• Training Agreement (TA)
The training agreement contains the programme of the traineeship. It is prepared by the student in cooperation with the tutor from the host institution, and approved by the Erasmus+ Faculty Coordinator (list of Coordinators). The document in Polish and in a foreign language should contain an action plan for the entire duration of the Erasmus+ traineeship and will be attached to the Erasmus+ traineeship agreement. Any changes to TA are possible only with the knowledge and consent of all parties and must be made in writing.
• Dean’s consent for mobility (for students)
Dean's consent for mobility (PhD students)
• Certificate of registration for the semester
The traineeship under the Erasmus+ programme cannot extend your studies, therefore the mobility can’t take place during your dean's / professional / health leave.
• Insurance
Student is required to provide photocopies/scans of 2 insurance documents covering the whole duration of the Erasmus+ traineeship:
- European Health Insurance Card (EHIC)
An application for an EHIC is submitted to the NFZ (National Health Fund) branch competent for the place of residence, together with a photocopy of the document confirming the current health insurance and a certificate of participation in the Erasmus+ programme issued by IRO.
- other foreign accident insurance NNW (accidental death and dismemberment (AD&D), covering medical costs (KL), enabling unexpected return to the country (in case of illness)
Civil liability insurance (OC) covering any damage caused by participants is provided by WrocławTech.
• A statement about bank account in EUR
A foreign currency account in EUR must be opened in a bank based in Poland. A statement with a name, account number, currency of the account and the name of the bank must be provided. The student must be the owner/co-owner of the account.
• Registration of personal data
- point 2 - natural persons enter PESEL and people who run a business enter NIP
- point 4 - should not be completed as the Erasmus+ scholarship is not taxed;
• Previous participation in Erasmus
The maximum total length of mobility periods within one study cycle is 12 months.
• Scholarship holder’s statement before mobility
Before signing the statement, please read the Erasmus Student Charter. Please deliver the signed declaration to IRO.
• RODO Information Clause
• A copy of the result of the first language test
IMPORTANT: Incomplete applications will not be accepted.
• After submitting a complete set of documents and verification of their correctness by an IRO’s officer, please log into IRC system After logging in, you can select the type of mobility, and then complete and fill in the data.
• After completing the online application, the financial agreement and the Learning Agreement for Traineeship should be downloaded from the system, signed and submitted in three copies at IRO.
• The final condition for the student's participation in the Erasmus+ programme is the acceptance of their candidacy by the host institution and the signing of an Erasmus+ traineeship agreement by all parties.
16. During the Erasmus+ traineeship, a student cannot sign an employment contract with the host institution.
17. The transfer of the scholarship may take place only if the student accepts all the terms of the agreement and is carried out in the form of a bank transfer according to the following scheme:
• 80% - before or at the beginning of the Erasmus+ traineeship
• 20% - after returning from the Erasmus+ traineeship
18. During the Erasmus+ traineeship, the scholarship holder is obliged to regularly contact IRO by e-mail: or by phone at +48 71 320 46 72.
19. At the student's request, and in agreement with all parties, WrocławTech may decide to extend the student’s Erasmus+ mobility. Within 21 days before the expiry of the originally planned period of stay, the student shall submit an application for extension along with the following documents:
• Dean's consent to extend Erasmus + traineeship
• Agreement on the Erasmus + traineeship programme
• Insurance covering the extended period
NOTE: additional funding to extend the traineeship is not guaranteed.
20. After the end of the mobility, the scholarship holder is obliged to provide IRO within 14 days with the following:
- Erasmus+ Traineeship Certificate with the actual start and end dates of the mobility,
- in the case of obtaining the "Green Travel" subsidy: tickets confirming the return trip (bus, train)
- in the case of receiving additional support from the National Agency of the Erasmus+ Program due to disability: invoices/bills documenting the expenses incurred.
You should also complete the Erasmus+ online survey of the scholarship holder. The link to the survey is sent to participants individually after the end of the mobility.
1. Before completing the documents required before mobility, the Erasmus+ treineeship application documents should be submitted to the International Relations Office (check 1st section: Traineeship recruitment procedure).
2. To be qualified for the Erasmus+ traineeship, students must meet all the following formal criteria:
• be registered in full-time/part-time studies leading to a degree/diploma (Bachelor’s, Master's or PhD degree) at WUST, including WrocławTech branch faculties. The offer does not apply to one-year postgraduate certificate studies.
• have completed at least the 1st year of undergraduate studies before the start of their mobility. During summer break (from July 1st) first-year undergraduate students are allowed to go for an traineeship, but Dean's approval is required. Students of lower years of studies may be admitted providing that they are graduates of another field of study at WrocławTech.
• during the mobility, student cannot be on any leave (dean's leave, health leave, professional leave or maternity leave); it concerns the field of study from which the student is going for mobility.
• students may not participate at the same time in several programmes financed from European funds, or have outstanding obligations in relation to other educational programmes implemented at WrocławTech
3. A student's stay at the Erasmus+ traineeship at the host institution must: start and finish in the period between March 1, 2024 and July 31, 2025 and last from 2 to 12 months.
Traineeship must be carried out within 12 months from the date of thesis defense, e.g. thesis defense was on July 10, 2023 - the recent graduate traineeship must be started after the defense and carried out by July 9, 2024.
4. The monthly scholarship rates depend on the target country:
820 EUR for mobilities to countries from group I: Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Iceland, Lichtenstein, Luxembourg, Norway, Sweden.
820 EUR for mobilities to countries from group II: Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, France, Greece, Spain, the Netherlands, Malta, Germany, Portugal, Italy,
750 EUR for mobilities to countries from group III: Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Estonia, North Macedonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey, Hungary.
5. WrocławTech guarantees the grant for the period of 6 months of the student's stay on the Erasmus+ traineeship at the host institution, calculated with accuracy to 1 day, indicated in the Erasmus+ traineeship agreement. Payment of the scholarship for a possible extension of stay agreed between the parties is not guaranteed.
6. A student going for the Erasmus+ traineeship receives a grant that co-finances the costs of living, travel and insurance, which the student organizes on their own and finances from the received grant. Invoices and bills documenting the costs incurred are not required.
7. "Green Travel": Students are entitled to receive funding if they meet the requirements of "green travel", ie using low-emission means of transport such as: coach, train or car sharing. In this case, you can receive a one-time support of EUR 50 in addition to individual support and additional individual support of up to 4 days for a return trip.
I. Students applying for the above-mentioned a lump sum must be submitted to IRO with a declaration (template available below) about the planned route of the trip, indicating the means of transport.
II. The lump sum will be paid together with the rest of the Erasmus+ grant, based on the previously submitted declaration.
III. The declared method of journey is confirmed after returning as follows:
8. In case WrocławTech has unused funds for student scholarships, in particular, if the University receives additional funds from the National Agency of the Erasmus+ Programme, the Erasmus+ Institutional Coordinator may decide to extend the duration of student's Erasmus+ traineeship.
9. Each student is entitled to the mobility capital of not more than 12 months in total on each cycle of studies.
10. The grant is awarded in order to undergo a traineeship related to the student's education. Such traineeship may be compulsory or not. If the traineeship is not an integral part of studies at the home university, the fact of its implementation will be recorded in the supplement to the diploma.
11. Erasmus+ traineeship cannot be realized in:
• EU institutions,
• managing authorities of EU programmes,
• diplomatic missions in the student's home country.
12. Recommended language preparation - OLS - Online Linguistic Support
13. Before mobility, a student is obliged to complete all the required formalities, at least 4 weeks before the planned start of the Erasmus+ traineeship. The following documents are required:
• Letter of intent
Erasmus+ traineeship grant is reserved for the students based on this document. The letter of intent must contain the signature of the legal representative of the host institution (e.g. chairman, director, HR director) and the institution's stamp. In the absence of a seal, the letter should be printed on the organization’s letterhead.
• Questionnaire
This document contains the basic contact information of the host institution and the tutor in the host institution as well as specifies the details of the planned Erasmus + traineeship.
• Financial agreements
The host institution may grant financial or material support to the trainee, which will be included in the Erasmus+ traineeship agreement. Information about additional funding may be included in the questionnaire
• Training Agreement (TA)
The training agreement contains the programme of the traineeship. It is prepared by the student in cooperation with the tutor from the host institution, and approved by the Erasmus+ Faculty Coordinator (list of Coordinators). The document in Polish and in a foreign language should contain an action plan for the entire duration of the Erasmus+ traineeship and will be attached to the Erasmus+ traineeship agreement. Any changes to TA are possible only with the knowledge and consent of all parties and must be made in writing.
• Copy of diploma
• Insurance
Student is required to provide photocopies/scans of insurance document covering the whole duration of the Erasmus+ traineeship:
- foreign accident insurance NNW (accidental death and dismemberment (AD&D), covering medical costs (KL), enabling unexpected return to the country (in case of illness)
Civil liability insurance (OC) covering any damage caused by participants is provided by WUST.
• Bank account in EUR
A statement with a name, account number, currency of the account and the name of the bank must be provided. The student must be the owner/co-owner of the account.
• Registration of personal data
- point 2 - natural persons enter PESEL and people who run a business enter NIP
- point 4 - should not be completed as the Erasmus+ scholarship is not taxed;
• Previous participation in Erasmus
The maximum total length of mobility periods within one study cycle is 12 months.
• Scholarship holder’s statement before mobility
Before signing the statement, please read the Erasmus Student Charter. Please deliver the signed declaration to IRO.
• RODO Information Clause
• A copy of the result of the first language test from OLS system
IMPORTANT: Incomplete applications will not be accepted.
• After submitting a complete set of documents and verification of their correctness by an IRO’s officer, please log into IRC system . After logging in, you can select the type of mobility, and then complete and fill in the data
• After completing the online application, the financial agreement and the Learning Agreement for Traineeship should be downloaded from the system, signed and submitted in three copies at IRO
• The final condition for the student's participation in the Erasmus+ programme is the acceptance of their candidacy by the host institution and the signing of an Erasmus+ traineeship agreement by all parties
14. During the Erasmus+ traineeship, a student cannot sign an employment contract with the host institution.
15. The transfer of the scholarship may take place only if the student accepts all the terms of the agreement and is carried out in the form of a bank transfer according to the following scheme:
• 80% - before or at the beginning of the Erasmus+ traineeship
• 20% - after returning from the Erasmus+ traineeship
16. During the Erasmus+ traineeship, the scholarship holder is obliged to regularly contact IRO by e-mail: or by phone at +48 71 320 46 72.
17. At a student's request, and in agreement with all parties, WrocławTech may decide to extend the student’s Erasmus + mobility. Within 21 days before the expiry of the originally planned period of stay, the student shall submit an application for xtensione along with the following documents:
• Agreement on the Erasmus+ traineeship programme
• Insurance covering the extended period
NOTE: additional funding to extend the traineeship is not guaranteed.
18. After the end of the mobility, the scholarship holder is obliged to provide IRO within 14 days with the following:
- Erasmus+ Traineeship Certificate with the actual start and end dates of the mobility,
You should also complete the online questionnaire of the scholarship holder. The link to the survey is sent to participants individually after the end of the mobility.
- in the case of obtaining the "Green Travel" subsidy: tickets confirming the return trip (bus, train)
- in the case of receiving additional support from the National Agency of the Erasmus+ Program due to disability: invoices/bills documenting the expenses incurred.