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Center for International Relations

Insurance for non-EU students

International students who come from non-European countries have, in most cases, a private insurance which was required for the visa application. But this insurance covers mostly only accidents and do not cover general practitioner’s consultation. For a general medical care insurance (Voluntary Health Insurance for Students from Foreign Counties) you have to apply in the NFZ department. Below you can find instruction how to do it.

You can also buy Euro26 Card which provides you with an insurance in case of accident and also gives you student’s discounts. The Euro26 Card is valid in whole Europe. For more appropriate information please consult webpage .

Erasmus Mundus students

The Erasmus Mundus programme offers special cover to its scholarship students at no extra cost. Visits in dispensaries and hospitals are payable but you have to collect all bills to claim for costs refund. All information about the insurance for Erasmus Mundus students are on the European Commission’s webpage .
Erasmus Mundus students can also be insured in National Health Fund in Poland – the rules are the same as for the international students from outside the EU.

Voluntary Health Insurance for Students from Foreign Countries (non-EU countries) step by step:

1. Signing the agreement for the health insurace in NFZ (National Health Fund – in Polish: Narodowy Fundusz Zdrowia), address:
ul. Joanitów 6, 50-525 Wrocław (next to the Bus Station PKP).

Documents needed to sign the contract in NFZ:
  • Passport
  • Student ID card
  • The certificate from Wroclaw University of Technology showing that you are a student
2. Registration of the contract in ZUS (Social Insurance Institution – in Polish: Zakład Ubezpieczeń Społecznych), address: 
ul. Reymonta 4/6, 50-225 Wrocław

Documents necessary for registration:
  • Passport
  • The contract with NFZ
Application in ZUS should take place with 7 days from the date of signing the contract with NFZ. Please fill out the registration form called: ZUS ZZA.

Every month, a separate declaration called ZUS DRA must be submitted, which shows the amount of health premiums paid. The deadline for submission of the declaration and payment of premiums is the 15th day next month, for example, for the month of May 2010 the ZUS DRA must be filled in and the premium paid by 15th of June.

Note: the current premium for health insurance for students from foreign countries is 46,80 PLN.

In the event of receiving a personal identification number (PESEL) or a tax ID (NIP) updates the personal data must be submitted within 7 days in the document forms called ZUS ZIPA and ZUS ZIUA.

Health premium must be paid to the following bank account number:
78 1010 1023 0000 2613 9520 0000
Payment can be made online, at the post office or at a bank. At the confirmation of the payment you need to enter the data consistent with the application in ZUS, which is your name ans passport number. If you obtained the personal identification number (PESEL) or tax ID (NIP) these data should also be given at the confirmation of the payment.
Description of payment types:
The letter„S” – a payment made for a month
The letter„M” – a payment made for more than a month

Resigning from the payment of premiums:
In case of resignation from the payment of the premiums for over one month, automatically the continuous arrears in the payment of the contract occur, and then the voluntary health insurance is terminated. Please immediately unregister the insurance using form called: ZUS ZWUA and ZUS ZWPA.

Block I:
Item 01 –„4” means the deadline for submission of declarations
Item 02 – the number of declaration, month, year for which a declaration is made up
Block II:
It should be completed in accordance with the declaration on the document ZUS ZZA
Block III:
Item 01 –„1” – one person insured
Block VII:
Item 01 and 04 – the amount of premium
Block IX:
Item 01 – the amount of premium
Block XI:
Item 01 – code for the title insurance„24 10 00”
Item 04 – the basis on which a premium is charged
Block XII:
Item 08 – the date of completion of the document
Item 09 – signature

Block I:
Item 01 – mark the declaration „X” (means registration)
Block II:
Item 01 – (NIP) Tax Identification Number
Item 03 – (PESEL) Personal Identification Number
Item 04 – number 2
Item 05 – the number of passport
Item 07 – surname
Item 08 – first name
Block III:
Repeat the data according to the pattern from Block II
Block IV:
Item 01 – second name
Item 02 – the name at borth
Item 03 – nationality
Item 0 4 – sex (”K” – Female,„M” – Male)
Block V:
Code for the title insurance:„24 10 00”
Block VII:
Date of signing the agreement
Block VIII:
Health insurance code: 01R
Block IX:
Your registered address in PL
Block X:
Your residence address in PL
Block XI:
The address for correspondence in PL
Block XII:
Item 01 – the date of completion of the document
Item 02 – the signature

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