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Center for International Relations

Introduction Week- Winter Semester 2022/2023

Date: 09.09.2022


Welcome to WUST!

New Academic year is about to start!
We are happy that you will join our university family.
All new students are invited for an Introduction Week of 2022.
You will have the opportunity to discover the university, explore the city of Wrocław also learn about cultural differences - what is right and wrong in everyday life in Poland. On the Welcome day you will meet university authorities.

We start September 26th and we have plans for you for a whole week till 30th.

All events will be held in English and are dedicated to the students of WUST. Registration is open until Wednesday, September 21st at 23.59. 


26th Monday

12:00 campus tour - we meet in front of cheese building C-13, Wybrzeże Wyspiańskiego 23-25
12:00 city tour - we meet in front of International Office, Na Grobli Street 12.

campus tour: get to know where to find the library, canteen, space to relax etc.

city tour: learn about the history of Wrocław and see the most popular tourist attractions; CoolWroTech project

27th Tuesday

12:00 campus tour - we meet in front of Cheese Building, Wybrzeże Wyspiańskiego 23-25
12:00 city tour - we meet in front of International Office, Na Grobli Street 12.
13:00 cultural differences - workshop- International Office, Na Grobli Street 12, room 1.15

campus tour: get to know where to find the library, canteen, space to relax etc.

city tour: learn about the history of Wrocław and see the most popular tourist attractions; CoolWroTech project,

professional cultural difference workshop: improve your communication with people from different countries and learn how to study and work in a multicultural environment; CoolWroTech project

28th Wednesday 10:00 city game - we meet in front of Cheese Building C-13, Wybrzeże Wyspiańskiego 23-25
10:30 cultural differences - workshop - International Office, Na Grobli Street 12, room 1.15
12:00 campus tour - we meet in front of Cheese Building- C-13, Wybrzeże Wyspiańskiego 23-25

city game: discover the city together with other students and have fun; CoolWroTech project,

professional cultural difference workshop: improve your communication with people from different countries and learn how to study and work in a multicultural environment; CoolWroTech project

campus tour: get to know where to find the library, canteen, space to relax etc.

29th Thursday 10:30 cultural differences - workshop - International Office, Na Grobli Street 12, room 1.15
12:00 campus tour - we meet in front of Cheese Building C-13, Wybrzeże Wyspiańskiego 23-25

professional cultural difference workshop: improve your communication with people from different countries and learn how to study and work in a multicultural environment; CoolWroTech project

campus tour: get to know where to find the library, canteen, space to relax etc.

30th Friday 9:00 WELCOME DAY Main Building, Main Auditorium, Wybrzeże Wyspiańskiego 27. presentations with lots of necessary and useful information during your studies

Events marked with the "CoolWroTech" note are carried out within the Welcome to Poland
- ‘The International Centre of Wrocław University of Science and Technology – University Open to New Cultures (CoolWroTech)’. More information about the project can be found HERE

Please read the specific reles of participation in the events organized within the CoolWroTech project. You fill find them HERE

Click HERE to check out an example of registration documents, required to join events held as part of the CoolWroTech project. 


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