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Center for International Relations

Lecture: Introduction to KAUST Fellowship

Date: 02.09.2022

KAUST is a research institutue located in Saudi Arabia, adjacent to the Red Sea. We would like to invite students who are in the final year of their Engineering degrees, and Master's studies to hear more about  the KAUST Fellowship and internhip opportunities. KAUST is a postgraduate school and courses are only available at the Master's and PhD level. We are activily recruiting for students and interns in:

  • - Applied Mathematics and Computational Science
  • - Computer Sciences
  • - Electrical and Computer Engineering
  • - Statistics

The KAUST Fellowship includes:

  • Full Free Tuition Support
  • Monthly Living Allowance (ranging between $20,000-30,000 annually)
  • On-Campus Housing
  • Medical and dental coverage
  • Relocation Support


King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) is located in Saudi Arabia and the following professors and staff will be in Poland:


1.      Associate Professor Andrea Fratalocchi  from Faculty of Electrical Engineering; Applied Mathematics and Computational Science will present a lecture on the topic: „Next-generation artificial intelligent hardware for fundamental components and integrated systems” 2.      Assistant Professor Shinkyu Park  from  Electrical and Computer Engineering will present a lecture on the topic: „Feedback Systems Design for Multi-robot Coordination"

  1. Senior education advisor Rosemary Mills, from CEMSE division, will present opportunities for world-class research, opportunities to obtain a prestigious The KAUST Fellowship, admissions requirements, application deadlines.

Interested students that qualify may receive invitations to a sponsored trip to KAUST in November 2022.


The presentation will be held on October 5, 2022 (Wednesday) at 1:00 pm in the International Relations Office - room 1.15, building L-3 (Na Grobli 12 street).

Registration for the meeting via the form is required.


Registration for KAUST Visit Days (November 7-11, 2022) to Saudi Arabia is open until October 16, 2022 - the requirements will be verified by attaching a CV and academic transcripts.

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